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GREEN TEA Benefits - How/when to drink GREEN TEA for Weight Loss

GREEN TEA Benefits - How/when to drink GREEN TEA for Weight Loss.

GREEN TEA Benefits - How/when to drink GREEN TEA for Weight Loss

How to Consume Green Tea

At the onset of the discussion, we will talk about how to consume green tea so that we get maximum benefits. 

Now understand that make green tea by infusing it in boiled water for 10-15 seconds instead of boiling it and then stain it and use dips to infuse the green tea, Green tea is wonderful to drink.

Weight Loss - If you want to increase glucose, carbs, and overall metabolism to lose weight or want to improve digestion then boil ginger in water; infuse green tea for 10-15 seconds and drink it by putting 10-15 lemon juice drops. 

This formula will increase protein metabolism in the body which is essential for muscle recovery & growth. So, It is beneficial to weight loss and bodybuilding too. 

Improvement Immunity - On the other hand, if you want to improve your immune system then take green tea with some non-citric fruit. 

Improve Blood Flow - To improve blood flow in the body then take some handful of peanuts or 10 almonds or 3-4 walnuts with green tea. This combination adds to the antioxidant properties of green tea. 

When to Consume Green Tea

Now let’s understand the right time to drink green tea so that maximum benefits can be availed. Never consume green tea empty stomach because it will increase toxicity in the body and one will face heartburn or acidity-related issues.

Green tea is beneficial if consumed 1 hour before meal or post-1-hour meal. Do not take green tea before and just after your meal. 

It is better to drink green tea after breakfast, before lunch,... post-lunch/dinner, or before dinner.

But if you take green tea after dinner or before 15-20 of sleeping time then you may face insomnia issues.

In case you have a target to lose weight then you can have green tea just before going to bed.

There should be no gap between your sleeping time and having green tea so that you sleep before the green tea is digested and you face no disorder related to a sleep disorder. 

Do not drink Stale green tea or tea kept for a long time as it will increase chances of toxicity & bacteria which is not good for health. 

Friends green tea is a blessing if taken in the right quantity, at right time, and in the right way. 

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