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Infant Safe Sleep Practices - How to Safely Sleep your Newborn Baby?

Infant Safe Sleep Practices - A safe sleeping environment for your baby reduces your baby's risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as SIDS.
Infant Safe Sleep Practices - How to Safely Sleep your Newborn Baby?

SIDS and the Importance of Safe Sleep Environments - A safe sleeping environment for your baby reduces your baby's risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as SIDS. SIDS is the number-one cause of death between the ages of one month and one year. A baby dies every other week from SIDS within Sacramento County related to an unsafe sleep environment. Many of these cases can be prevented when providing a safe sleep environment for your baby.

What is a Safe Sleep Environment?

First off, the baby should sleep in their own sleeping areas, such as a crib or bassinet as shown here. Co-sleeping and/or bedsharing is not recommended. In other words, do not share the same bed or sleep surface as your baby. This includes couches, chairs, or recliners. 

The baby can accidentally suffocate or fall out of bed if they are in the same bed or sleep area as you. The baby is safest in their own crib or bassinet. Be sure not to fall asleep with the baby on your chest. 

  • If you are getting sleepy, be sure to put the baby in the bassinet or crib. Again, the baby can accidentally suffocate or fall out of bed if you fall asleep with the baby on your chest. Sharing the same room as your baby is encouraged because this reduces the risk of SIDS by 50%. 

Tips to Avoid SIDS:

There should not be any extra items, such as toys, blankets, pillows, or bumpers. Any loose blankets or objects in the crib or bassinet could cover your baby's face and accidentally suffocate your baby. Use a tightly fitted sheet around a firm sleep surface for your baby. 

Your baby should be on its back at all times. This is the safest position for your baby. Do not put your baby on its stomach. This is not a safe sleeping position for your baby because this increases the chance of SIDS. It blocks your baby's airway and can cause them to choke.

Sleep Sack and Swaddling:

 Asleep sack or swaddle, as shown here, is recommended to decrease the chances of your baby overheating, or becoming too hot. The design of the sleepsack helps prevent blankets from covering your baby's face, which could cause accidental suffocation. 

If you do not have a sleep sack, swaddling is also safe to do. But you have to be sure to safely swaddle your baby. What this means is that you have to be sure that swaddle blankets do not become loose and cover the baby's face because this could accidentally suffocate your baby. 

Do not use more than two swaddling blankets so your baby does not get too hot. Heavier blankets and the use of too many blankets are not recommended because your baby can become too hot. Swaddling is not suggested once your baby starts rolling over. That is an excellent time to use the sleep sacks alone. 

Recap of Safe Sleep Tips:

Your baby should not be around smoke, alcohol, or drugs. When all of the previous recommendations are not followed, your baby is at an increased risk for SIDS. As a recap, remember to put your baby in their own crib or bassinet and not in bed with you. Do not put any extra objects in the crib. There should be nothing in the crib with the baby. Your baby should be on its back at all times. Loose blankets could accidentally suffocate your baby. So be sure to use a tightly fitted sheet in the crib or bassinet. Swaddle safely or use an asleep sack or swaddle.
  • Don't forget the ABC s of safe sleep ( A - Alone, B - Back, and C - Crib ). Following these guidelines could save your baby's life

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